Basic Cover:
Section 1 - "Property All Risks" Cover
This section offers protection to the stock and contents of your business (e.g. equipment, furniture, fixtures and fittings, tenant’s improvements, and employees’ personal effects). In case the stock and contents are stolen or damaged by the typhoon, fire, flood, or any other mishap, they will all be replaced by new, provided the sum insured represents the full replacement value.
- This section also provides the following special extensions at no extra costs:
- Seasonal increase
The sum insured on Trade Stocks will be automatically increased by 25% free of charge for the months of December, January, and February
- Damage to advertising signs
Up to HK$25,000 per occurrence and HK$50,000 in aggregate per policy period
- Accidental breakage of fixed glass doors or windows
Up to HK$100,000 per occurrence and in aggregate per policy period
- Damage to Stock in a conveying vehicle
Up to HK$100,000 or 20% of Trade Stocks’ total value, whichever is the lesser, on a per occurrence basis and in aggregate per policy period
- Deterioration of Stock - loss of or damage or deterioration of refrigerated or frozen Trade Stocks in refrigeration units of up to HK$50,000 any one occurrence and in aggregate any one period of insurance caused by:
- The accidental damage/breakdown to refrigerating equipment or freezer which is less than 5 years old; or
- Failure of public electricity supply for a period exceeding six consecutive hours
- Deductibles
- 10% of each and every loss due to water damage, subject to a minimum of HK$3,000
- HK$2,000 on damage to neon signs and/or roller shutter doors
- HK$1,000 in respect to each and every other loss, other than fire, lightning, and explosion
- HK$3,000 or 10% of loss, whichever is the greater, in respect of theft loss
Section 2 - Consequential Loss
This section gives you free protection for:
- An additional cost of carrying on your business for a period of up to 12 months after a loss is payable under the “Property All Risks” cover, subject to a limit of indemnity HK$750,000. This limit includes paying for the accountants’ fees of up to HK$100,000 per occurrence. The limit also includes paying for the rental allowance of up to HK$250,000 per occurrence/in aggregate required for alternative premises
- Liberty will compensate you HK$500 per day for a maximum of 30 days or for such shorter period actually taken to restore your business to the pre-loss operational level in the event of:
- Closure of whole or part of premises resulting in interruption to or interference with the business at the insured premises and which is caused solely by:
- insured perils in section 1; or
- denial of access; or
- order of a Public Authority as a result of murder, suicide, etc
- Failure of public utilities
Subject to a time excess of 48 hours.
Section 3 - Money and Assault
This section gives you free protection against loss of cash, checks, postal or money order, stored-value cards, and postage stamps, and provides compensation for the injury sustained by any employee as a result of actual or attempted robbery or hold up.
Description |
Maximum Limit per occurence (HK$) |
- Loss of Money
Description |
Maximum Limit per occurence (HK$)
In transit during Business hours |
HK$75,0001 |
At Business Premises during Business Hour |
HK$75,0001 |
At Business Premises out of Business Hours in a locked safe or cash registers |
HK$75,0001 |
At Business Premises out of Business Hours not in a locked safe or cash register |
HK$10,0001 |
In transit to and from and whilst at the residence of an authorised Employee |
HK$15,000 |
- Loss of crossed cheques, crossed postal orders, crossed money orders, crossed bankers drafts
Description |
Maximum Limit per occurence (HK$)
Loss of crossed cheques, crossed postal orders, crossed money orders, crossed bankers drafts |
HK$500,000 |
- Damage to safes caused by theft
Description |
Maximum Limit per occurence (HK$) |
Damage to safes caused by theft |
HK$25,000 |
Description |
Maximum Limit per person (HK$) |
- Personal assault
Maximum Limit per person (HK$) |
Death |
HK$100,000 |
Permanent and Total Disablement |
HK$100,000 |
Loss of both limbs |
HK$100,000 |
Loss of sight of both eyes |
HK$100,000 |
Loss of 1 limb and sight of 1 eye |
HK$100,000 |
Loss of 1 limb or sight of 1 eye |
HK$100,000 |
1 The limits of liability will be increased by 25% for the months of December, January, and February
This section also provides the following special extension at no extra cost:
- Fidelity Guarantee
Liberty will compensate you for direct pecuniary loss arising from any act of fraud or dishonesty committed by your employees (Limit: HK$5,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate up to HK$15,000)
Section 4 - Public Liability
This section covers your legal liability in respect of compensation for third-party bodily injury and/or property damage arising in connection with the business operation. The limit of liability provided is HK$10,000,000.
- 10% of each and every loss due to water damage to third-party property, subject to a minimum of HK$5,000
- HK$3,000 in respect to each and every other third-party property damage
This section also provides the following special extension at no extra cost:
- Errors, Omissions or Negligence
Liberty will indemnify you up to HK$15,000 per occurrence/HK$50,000 in aggregate for which you shall become legally liable to pay for medical expenses; resulting from bodily injury to third-party claims first made against you and reported to us during the period of insurance, for error, omission or negligence arising from the services rendered by you or your employees. (Deductible is not applied)
Treatment by a registered Chinese bonesetter or herbalist will also be covered.
Optional Cover:
Section 5 - Employees' Compensation
This section covers employers’ liability to employees in accordance with the Employee’s Compensation Ordinance and Common Law of up to HK$100 million per event for injuries or death arising out of employment.