We've got your needs covered
Description of Benefits | Maximum Sum Insured |
- Basic Cover
Description of Benefits Maximum Sum Insured Accidental Death and Permanent Disability
HK$1,000,000 Additional Indemnity on Accidental Death
Due to natural catastrophe in the course of study tripHK$100,000 Major Burns HK$200,000 Medical Expenses - Including outpatient 25 visits per policy year
- Follow-up medical expenses incurred within 3 months from the date of return to Hong Kong which the treatment has been sought overseas, subject to maximum of HK$150,000
HK$1,500,000 Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation Actual Cost Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Cost Care Visit HK$50,000 Study Interruption HK$100,000 Education Fund HK$300,000 Personal Property
Subject to maximum amount of HK$3,000 per item or pair or set of items and HK$10,000 for laptop computerHK$15,000 Loss of Travel Documents HK$10,000 Personal Money HK$3,000 Unexpected Travel Delay
HK$500 per 6 hours
Maximum HK$2,000 per tripHK$6,000 Baggage Delay
More than 6 consecutive hoursHK$1,000 Personal Liability HK$2,000,000 Scholarship Rewards
Achieving of GPA 4.0 on a 4 point scale or straight A for all courses completed within eight (8) months in the course of study tripHK$2,000 Kidnapping
A cash daily benefit of HK$500 for each completed 24 hours, maximum 30 days per policy yearHK$15,000 Traumatic Incident Counselling
Reimburse the medical expenses incurred by psychologist or psychiatrist for HK$1,500 per visit per dayHK$15,000 Overseas Residence Protection
Subject to maximum amount of HK$2,000 per item or pair or set of itemsHK$10,000 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Hotline Services Free
The information contained in this page is intended as a general summary. For more details, please refer to our brochure and policy.
Important Note: Any non-study trips that depart from Home Country and returns to Home Country during the Period of Insurance is/are not covered.
- Eligibility
Insured Students must:
- between age 8 to 33
- not have USA as both Home Country and Stationed Country
- not have Sanctioned Countries as their Home Country or Study Country
- Major Exclusions
- Pre-existing Medical Conditions, congenital or heredity condition, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, cosmetic surgery, AIDS or AIDS related complex
- Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases or transmissible disease
- Self-inflicted bodily injury and sickness
- Suicide
- Alcoholism and drug abuse
- Treatment which is not medically necessary or treatment of an optional nature
- Alternative treatment, such as aroma therapy and naturopathy
- Experimental and yet to be scientifically proven treatments
- Drug purchased without physician’s prescription
- Nuclear hazard
- War, civil war, insurrection, revolution, illegal act by the Insured or Policyholder
- Health check-ups or any investigation(s) directly related to admission, diagnosis, sickness or injury, or any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary
- Taking part in disciplinary forces, naval, military, air force service or operations with any armed force of any country
- Participation in any kind of race (other than on foot), Professional sports or any sport or stunt activity where an Insured Student would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in it
- Aviation or aerial activities or aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger
- Hazardous Occupation, manual or hazardous work of any nature or, testing of any kind of conveyance;
- Expenses incurred relating to diagnosis, tests or treatments by the Insured himself, business partner(s) or employer/employee of the Insured or Policyholder or the Spouse or Relative, whether qualified or not
- Participating in Extreme Sports/Activities including but not limited to deep sea diving utilizing hard helmet with air hose attachments, white water rafting grade 4 or above, hunting, caving, potholing, off-piste skiing, outdoor rock climbing, mountaineering or climbing necessitating the use of climbing equipment, guides or ropes by the Insured Student