Personal Accident
Personal Accident Protector
Safeguard you against personal accidents
Description of Benefits | Percentage of Sum Insured |
Accidental death | 100% |
Permanent total disability | 100% |
Permanent total paralysis of all limbs | 100% |
Permanent and incurable insanity | 100% |
Loss of entire sight of one or both eyes | 100% |
Loss of one or more limbs | 100% |
Loss of speech and hearing | 100% |
Loss of hearing in both ears | 75% |
Loss of hearing in one ear | 15% |
Loss of speech | 50% |
Permanent total loss of lens of each eye | 50% |
Loss of toes
20% 7.5% |
Loss of metacarpals
3% 2% |
Loss of one thumb
30% 15% |
Fractured leg or patella with established non-union | 15% |
Shortening of leg by at least 5cm | 10% |
Description of Benefits Accidental Death & Permanent Disability - Hand |
Right Hand | Left Hand |
Description of Benefits Accidental Death & Permanent Disability - Hand |
Right Hand | Left Hand |
Loss of four fingers and thumb | 70% | 50% |
Loss of four fingers | 40% | 30% |
Loss of three joints (each of index, middle, ring or little finger) |
15% | 10% |
Loss of two joints (each of index, middle, ring or little finger) |
10% | 7.5% |
Loss of one joint (each of index, middle, ring or little finger) |
7.5% | 5% |
Description of Benefits Accidental Death & Permanent Disability - Burns |
Second Degree Burn | Third Degree Burn |
Description of Benefits Accidental Death & Permanent Disability - Burns |
Second Degree Burn | Third Degree Burn |
On 50% or more of body surface | 100% | 100% |
On 30% or more of body surface | 50% | 100% |
On 20% or more of body surface | 40% | 100% |
On 10% or more of body surface | 20% | 75% |
On 5% or more of body surface | 10% | 50% |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
In the event of death or permanent disablement within 12 months from an accident | HK$1,000,000 | HK$1,800,000 | HK$3,000,0003 | HK$1,000,000 |
10% - 100% | 10% - 100% | 10% - 100% | 10% - 100% |
5% - 70% | 5% - 70% | 5% - 70% | 5% - 70% |
HK$500,000 | HK$1,000,000 | HK$1,500,000 | HK$500,000 |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
Temporary Total Disability4 (per week, max. to 52 weeks) |
HK$1,000 | HK$2,000 | HK$4,000 | N.A. |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
Sum insured per year In the event of the injury took place within 12 months from the date of the accident |
HK$20,000 | HK$35,000 | HK$50,000 | HK$20,000 |
Inclusive of Chinese medication and treatment, bone-setting, acupuncture expenses, chiropractic & physiotherapy treatments | HK$180 per day HK$2,000 per policy year |
HK$180 per day HK$2,000 per policy year |
HK$180 per day HK$2,000 per policy year |
HK$180 per day HK$2,000 per policy year |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
Payable from the second day of confinement if you are hospitalised in HKSAR public hospital | HK$250 Maximum 182 days per policy year |
HK$250 Maximum 182 days per policy year |
HK$300 Maximum 182 days per policy year |
HK$250 Maximum 182 days per policy year |
Plan Classification | Plan 1 | Plan 2 | Plan 3 | Plan 4 |
24-hours emergency assistance services | Free | Free | Free | Free |
1 All above Accident Death & Permanent Disability Benefits are subject to a maximum amount of HK$7,500,000 in aggregate under any one period of insurance
2 Extra Indemnity applicable to:
3 Sum Insured must be lesser than 5 times of proven annual salary
4 3-month employment proof prior to the accident is required. If you are self-employed, the cover will be valid for the period when you are hospitalised for accidental bodily injury and 50% of the benefit will be paid
Benefit Items | Descriptions |
Professional occupation promotion | For insured as a full-time accountant, indoor architect, actuarial, registered medical practitioner, lawyer, and registered insurance agent or technical officer, a 5% extra premium discount will be offered. |
Child support & tuition fund | A lump-sum HK$100,000 benefit will be payable to an insured person’s dependent children aged 18 or below upon insured death arisen from an accident. |
Indemnity for school activities and travelling | An additional HK$100,000 benefit will be payable to insured full-time students aged 25 or below if he suffers from accidental bodily death or major burns during the course of participating in school activities or travelling by school bus. |
Home modification expense | If an insured person sustains a bodily injury as a result of an accident which leads to permanent total disablement during the policy period, Liberty will reimburse for the actual expenses in renovating his principal home for the caring purpose, subject to a maximum amount of HK$100,000. |
Class | Descriptions |
Class 1 | Clerical and non-manual occupations e.g. accountant, architect, auditor, banker, clerk, clinic nurse, doctor, indoor sales, sales representative, lawyer, physiotherapist, secretary, stockbroker, teacher, etc |
Class 2 | Occupations involving outdoor work or occasional manual work only e.g. factory supervisor, foreman, hairdresser, local domestic helper, property agent, salesman, supervision, engineer, supervision civil engineer, surveyor, tailor, waiter (not bar, lounge or night club), etc |
Class 3 | Occupations involving skillful and slight manual work but not using heavy and hazardous machines e.g. baker, cook, fixed-stall hawker, hotel janitor, painter, supermarket worker, motor repair worker, watchman (unarmed) etc |
Class 4 | Occupations involving heavy manual work or hazardous nature e.g. air-conditioning repairman, butcher, carpenter, disciplinary squad, gas deliveryman, patrolman tractor driver, truck driver (below 10 tons and not-to China) etc |
Class 5 | Child aged 3-18 or 19-25 but under full-time education Housewife or not under employment |
Please refer to Liberty for clarification on occupations not listed in the above table.
If you insure with your direct family members, including spouse, parents, grandparents, siblings and children aged 21 or below at the same time, an extra 10% discount will be granted on all new applications.
Any injuries or death related to illness, disease, pregnancy, dental care, cosmetic surgery, mental disorder, self-inflicted acts, suicide, and professional racing will not be covered. A consequence of any pre-existing condition, treatment of alcohol or drug addiction, and accident arisen from serving in the disciplinary forces or other armed services are not covered as well.