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Description of Benefits |
Per Adult |
Per Child |
- Personal Accident
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityAccidental Death and Permanent Disability HK$1,200,000 HK$600,000 Double Indemnity for Public Conveyance
Includes Major Burns (Second & Third Degree) up to HK$200,000
Extend to cover Exposure and DisappearanceHK$2,400,000 N.A. Burial or Cremation Expenses HK$20,000 HK$20,000 - Medical Expenses
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityMedical Expenses outside Hong Kong
Includes follow-up medical expenses incurred within 3 months after return to Hong Kong:
- resulting from Accidental Bodily Injury: up to HK$1,200,000 per Insured Adult Person and HKD$600,000 Per Dependent Child Insured Person,
- resulting from Sickness: up to HK$120,000 per Adult Insured Person and HKD$60,000 Per Dependent Child Insured Person.
(Inclusive of treatment by Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong of HK$200 per day and HK$2,000 in aggregate)
Include daily allowance HK$500 per day and HK$5,000 in aggregate per Insured Person for Hospital confinement outside Hong Kong or being compulsory quarantined due to infectious disease
HK$1,200,000 HK$600,000 - Baggage and Personal Effects
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityBaggage and Personal Effects HK$20,000 HK$10,000 - Personal Money and Travel Documents
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityPersonal Money HK$3,000 N.A. Travel Document HK$10,000 HK$10,000 Unauthorised Use of Credit Card HK$3,000 N.A. - Baggage Delay
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityBaggage Delay HK$1,500 HK$1,500 - Personal Liability
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityPersonal Liability HK$2,000,000 N.A. - Cancellation Expenses
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityCancellation Expenses HK$50,000 N.A. - Curtailment Expenses
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityCurtailment Expenses HK$50,000 N.A. - Re-routing Expenses
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityRe-routing Expenses HK$15,000 N.A. - Travel Delay
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityTravel Delay HK$5,000 N.A. - Rental Vehicle Excess
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of IndemnityRental Vehicle Excess HK$5,000 N.A. - 24 hours Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services
Description of Benefits Per Adult
Limit of IndemnityPer Child
Limit of Indemnity- Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Medically Supervised Repatriation
- Repatriation of Mortal Remains
- Compassionate Visit
- Return of Dependent Children
- Hospital Admission Guarantee
- Dispatch of Essential Medication/Medical Equipment
- Medical Referral Service
- Legal Referral Service
- Emergency Travel Service Assistance
- Travel Concierge Assistance
Actual cost
(only for medical evacuation and repatriation)Actual cost
(only for medical evacuation and repatriation)
The information provided here is a summary. Please refer to the actual policy wordings for the terms and conditions.